Photo of Professionals at Papcsy Janosov Roche
Photo of Professionals at Papcsy Janosov Roche

Peer-Celebrated And Client-Approved

Photo of Professionals at Papcsy Janosov Roche

Why Fight A Connecticut DUI?

It may seem like the best thing to do once you’re charged with a DUI is to just plead guilty, pay the fine and “get it over with.” In many – perhaps even most – cases, this is not in your best interest.

At Papcsy Janosov Roche, we have handled hundreds, if not thousands, of Connecticut DUI cases. In almost every case, it was not in the best interest of our client to simply plead guilty. There are several reasons for this.

How An Attorney Can Help Your Case And Protect Your Future

As most of us are aware, Connecticut is cracking down on those charged with drunk driving or drugged driving and drug possession. The penalties have never been higher. More drivers today are having their licenses suspended, paying higher fines and, in some cases, even doing jail time.

You must apply for a DMV hearing right away if you are arrested for DUI in Connecticut. It is the only way to prevent having your license suspended. Being present at this hearing is one way that an experienced DUI attorney can help.

An attorney can help you in many other ways as well, including:

  • An attorney will scrutinize the record and see if your Constitutional rights were violated. If there was no probable cause, it is possible to get the case thrown out.
  • An attorney will review what evidence law enforcement has and call into question any faulty or illegally obtained material. There may not be enough evidence against you to convict.
  • Your attorney will also review any tests that were done. If protocol wasn’t followed or the results are subjective, the test results may not be used against you.

At Papcsy Janosov Roche, we know that getting charged with a DUI is terrifying. However, being charged is very different than being found guilty. Getting the charges thrown out or reduced will affect your legal ability to drive, your insurance rates and your permanent record. A DUI case is unlike other types of legal matters, and it is actually fairly difficult to prove that a defendant is guilty. This can be shown with the assistance of an experienced DUI attorney who understands criminal defense strategy.

Choose The Right DUI Lawyer For Your Case

When facing DUI charges, choose a lawyer or law firm with specific experience defending Connecticut DUI cases. Call 877-835-4983 and speak to us about your case in a free case evaluation. When you enlist our help, we will work to drastically reduce the penalties and help you get back to normal life much faster. With offices in Stamford, Norwalk, New Haven and New York City, we are prepared to meet your legal needs. You can also connect with us via website email.
